Going back to the EU issue; Greece was called out by EU big heads for masking their true deficit problems using currency swaps administered by Goldman Sachs. These secret dealings were off the books transactions and were legal at the time. News like this leaves the average investor wondering "well, who can I trust nowadays?" More findings like this provides more incentive to not be average and join the 10% club to take advantage of short term swings.
The key theory to keep in mind is that when you are investing, enter with the purpose of making money within a set time based on a mood change. Be bold and get ready to fight the deceivers out there by playing their game. Buy when things seem right, but get out at the peak. Get back in and sell when things go awry. Don't show up to the party late, get there when it's live and leave when you're wasted. The same logic applies to investing. Protect yourself by paving a different path that is better than average.
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