AOL is slowly moving away from the old subrsciption based services portal into a full fledged media company. Bottom Line: The company is finally making some changes. AOL lands into the digital content world (movie downloads). The company will soon offer online movie downloads from major movie studios. AOL released to the press yesterday, that they have cut deals with 20th Century Fox Films, Universal Studios, Sony Pictures and Warner Bros. These agreements will allow AOL to release full-lenght movie downloads direct from their existing AOL Video site for a fee. I think its a brilliant idea... i've actually been waiting for someone to roll out with movie downloads (making it to the theatre is a trip and I can't wait fo Pay-Per-View or DVDs). I'm just interested in how they were able to negotiate with these movie studios and Apple has yet to make a final deal with offering movies on their iTunes Media Portal. I'm telling you, AOL is under some good management. With Richard (Dick) Parsons in charge, I see a great future ahead for AOL, who I have downgraded just like Gateway in the past. Competition, like Google Video, YouTube and others finding success in the online video market, AOL jumps into the game at a rather perfect time.
Will you buy movies online? And what does this mean for AOL? Drop in a comment... don't be afraid to Blab on, after all its the Street (its meant for it)... go on>>
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