
Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Wal Mart goes "UPSCALE"

Recently, Chicago has passed a "BigBox" law, which forces large retailers to pay "living wage" to it's employees (plus benefits). WalMart now has to make a decision: whether to stay in Chicago (where there is very little competition), or move out for good and allow other retailers to steal the spotlight in the windy city. But, oh no, that's not the "WalMart" we know to back out so soon. The world's largest retailer is looking into forming a new, upscale WalMart Supercenter, which will open in Chicago. The idea is meant to attract high-income shoppers which will allow WalMart to possibly generate more profit. The idea is terrible in my mind... it was probably made by some lousy official. Instead, I think that the company should do like their smaller subsidiary, Sam's Club, and offer luxury items for less alongside it's original discounted products. Other companies are starting to follow the "luxury for less" path. Look at Costco, who offers fine wine for less, Target, who offers high fashion for less, and Kmart who sells Martha Stewart's high-end line for less. The company needs some good management and team if they plan to go about on this new idea. Wal Mart currently has an upscale supercenter as an experiment in Plano, TX, which features a sushi bar and wiFi coffee shop.

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